Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Social Forces Implementation

As a part of course assignment, the Social Forces model has been implemented for obstacle avoidance. The model is then tested in various bottleneck test cases.

The Algorithm :
The Social Forces model computes various forces exerted on a agent by the environment. It then adds the exerted force with the force  required by the agent to reach the goal(Fpref) .

F = Fgoal + Fagents + Fwalls

Fagents & Fwalls includes the proximity force, repulsion force(in case of collision) and sliding friction force(in case of collision) by obstacles/other agents.

Code : (Forked from SteerLite parent repo)

The model is run against several test cases and the results are recorded. Following are the video links :

(a) Hallway one-way

(b) Hallway two-way

(c) Hallway four-way

(d) Bottleneck evacuation

Futher improvements : The efficiency can be further improved by tweaking the constant parameters of the Social Forces algorithm as per  the use-case.

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